Feb 18, 2009

No, I Don't Put Post-It Notes on My Kids' Backs

Here in the Boston suburbs, we have a free parenting publication called The Boston Parent Paper. I usually pick up a copy of the magazine when I'm at Snip-Its getting my kids' hair cut, and this last time was no exception. However, this time, right after I picked up the magazine, my kids' names were called, so I tucked it into my purse and forgot about it. After a week or so, I cleaned my purse and threw it in the recycle bin.

Fast forward to Monday, when a friend told me that she saw the article about me in the Boston Parent Paper. Pulling it out of the recycle bin, I was shocked to find a huge picture of me in the middle of the paper. It was a press photo from the Walt Disney World Moms Panel, and had some info about me from the press release.

Except.... for one thing. It kind of alluded to some advice I'd provided, to put a post-it note on the back of your kid's shirts with their name and other info. Which is not something I'd ever do. I mean, a post-it?? Wouldn't that fall off? I have a hard time keeping a post-it attached to an inanimate object, much less a moving child!

So, if you saw the article and are wondering, no, I don't put post-it notes on my kids!

edited to add: apparently, that reference at the end of the article was from a question Tanya answered, where she said she put stick-on labels (not post-its) on her children's shirts :)


Kim Moldofsky said...

How ironic and yeah, what stupid advice. Wouldn't the reporter or editor looked into that? Anyone who's every used sticky notes who know how temporary they are.

The Disney PR must be doing a good job. I've seen a couple of articles, including a two-page spread with color photos, on the Disney panel in the Chicago Sun-Times.

Such The Spot said...

Yes because we all know how well a Post-It would hold up against Florida's humidity. :)

I hate it when publications get stuff wrong. They could have at least called you. Then at least they would have gotten some print-worthy tips!

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