Feb 25, 2009

I'm Not Ready for This...

I now interrupt the constant posts about the Mom2Summit to talk about something I'm not ready for -- my daughter having a boyfriend.

My daughter is 4, cute as a button (of course, right?) and has a little friend I'll call Bobby. Bobby and Miss M have been best buddies since they were in the infant room at daycare together.

On Monday, Miss M told Daddy on the way home, "Bobby asked me to be his girlfriend". Daddy replied, "Well, he needs to ask me".

When I saw her, I told her she was too young to have a boyfriend and she said, "I'm 4, and he's 4". Oh my...


Kris said...

Oh, that is so dang cute!!! "I'm 4, he's 4..." Simple as that I guess! ;)

Jo Y said...

How sweet, you're lucky though my youngest had 5 boyfriends at that age LOL

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