Feb 26, 2009

Guess My Exercise Routine Isn't Working...

On Saturday afternoon, I picked up a copy of Katherine Center's new book, Everyone is Beautiful, at the Mom 2.0 Summit. It was a great book to read on my trip home from Houston -- not only was it entertaining and captivating, it also is coincidentally about a woman who moves from Houston to Boston. At the very beginning of the book, the main character comes across a woman in the park who accidentally thinks she's pregnant. This unfortunate mistake actually affects the main character enough that it sets off the events of the novel (a book I recommend that you read).

Anyway, on Wednesday, I took my two kids to their 9:30am gymnastics class. Getting two kids ready to leave the house is hard enough, so I usually don't spend a ton of time getting myself ready. On this particular Wednesday, I wore a red hooded sweater, a pair of Lucy tech pants, and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

I was quietly watching my son bounce on the trampoline when the teacher walked over to me and in a friendly manner, put her arm around my shoulder and asked me if I am pregnant.

Okay, so I'm NOT pregnant, and haven't been for almost three years. Furthermore, I've been working out like a crazy woman, and have lost a good amount of weight. Why would one woman ask another one this question? I have felt awful about myself since this happened and will definitely not be wearing that red hooded sweater anymore!

And what did I say to the gymnastics teacher? "Oh God no!". And she didn't even seem to feel remorseful...


Such The Spot said...

Oh that's just ridiculous. I make it a point to NEVER ask that unless it is completely and undeniably obvious.

She's crazy. Don't let the crazies get you down...

Diane said...

Geez, Jodi. I saw you at your "peak" in December before you started working out and you were the size of my pinky then! (Remember, you weren't allowed to sit next to me on Test Track?! LOL) I can't imagine where she would get that idea. I agree, she's crazy!

Jo Y said...

Jodi I agree with Diane, you're very trim and that lady obviously needs a trip to the opticians!!!

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