Mar 7, 2009

I Should Know Better...

I should know better. I'm a self-proclaimed finance and personal budgeting expert, and yet I made a rookie mistake. I stopped at Circuit City during the liquidation sale, bought more than I needed, and didn't even really get a deal.

I love technology. Love it. I could spend all day at Best Buy and the Apple Store. My husband needed a GPS (yes, NEEDED - despite growing up outside of Boston and living here almost his whole life, he regularly gets lost), and we figured it would be the best place to go. I also wanted to try to get a deal on a headphone/microphone set for using Skype on my Mac, since I was participating in a roundtable during Lou's WDW Radio Show.

A few weeks ago, we headed to a very crowded Circuit City. As an aside, my local Circuit City smells like BO. It isn't a liquidation sale thing, it's always smelled like BO. You know, the kind of BO that causes everyone who walks through the doors to discretely sniff their own armpits.

Anyway, once we entered the front doors, my husband and I split up to shop. As I entered the front door, I was already bored with looking for my Skype headset, as I saw the shiny new technology with huge 20%/30%/40% off signs. Right away, my no spend challenge was out the door. Then, I saw a Sony voice recorder. And, I needed it. Because interviews! I conduct interviews and I should record them! And OMGpodcastsIshouldtotallydoapodcastifonlyIhadavoicerecorder! So I scooped it up. Then, I headed to the PC peripherals to find the one headset that was actually labeled compatable with a Mac.

My husband found a GPS, and we headed to the front entrance. After buying everything, we should have stopped there. But my husband HAD to see what a great deal we'd gotten. So, he looked up the items online to see what they were selling for elsewhere. And???

The GPS? Cheaper at Best Buy.

The Voice Recorder? Same price at Amazon.

The headset? A good deal, about 40% off the lowest price we could find.

I should know better...

1 comment:

Kris said...

Ugg! I hate that when that happens! Gotta love the gadgets though!

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