Okay, Facebook has gotten out of control! Here's how my hierarchy of Facebook friends has progressed:
- Close friends (aka, people I talk to in Real Life) and family members (my sister, cousin)
- New friends (people I meet up with and want to stay in touch with)
- Online friends (people I met through message boards, twitter, and blogs and am friendly with)
- Old high school and college friends (wow, doesn't everyone look different? What a fun way to catch up with people I have talked to in a while)
- Every single person who I went to high school and college with (hmmm.... I didn't really have much in common with them 15 years ago, but why not!)
- People I kind of know... or look familiar?
- People who went to High School with a Jodi
- People who notice we have a lot of friends in common
- My mother (!!!)
- Friends of my mother
- People who friend me because I like Disney
- People who friend me because I'm a brunette (okay, that one I'm making up -- but only that one)
I'd love to know, how do you handle your Facebook account? Do you friend only people you know in real life? Or are you finding that Facebook is changing the definition of friend?
I HATE when someone I don't know, or someone I once knew and didn't like/didn't like me friends me. In short, I ignore the request. Call me what you will, this Mama is keeping it real. :)
Before I got a handle on things, I accepted most friend requests. Until I accepted the request of a woman who sorta kinda maybe looks familiar to me. She leaves notes and communicates with me and I'm like "Um. I'm sorry. I made a friend mistake. A fristake." What concerns me is that if I un-friend her, will she be notified? Help me!
Kathy - she won't be notified if you unfriend her.
And, someone sent me this link to a great article about Facebook privacy settings - everyone should read this!
Jodi -- Thanks so much for the tips. There are a few things I'm going to change now about my settings. Good stuff. Appreciate it!
I like that on Twitter one connects with "followers" not friends. I'm still a Facebook newbie. I pondered my FB philosophy on my blog http://tinyurl.com/9zp929 but see it's evolving. At first I was really picky, but now I see myself following in your path and just kind of throwing my hands up and taking what comes at me for the most part.
I need to go read that part about privacy settings!
I so agree Jodi, after reading the article you posted I spent yesterday putting friends into different groups, I still need to work on what each group can see but I'm getting there. Thanks :)
I was sooooo glad to find this post because I have the same issue! Most of my friends are people I talk to normally but recently my husband's ex-wife of 10 years friend requested him and all of our mutual friends that she knew! Why? She hasn't talked to them in ten years and now through facebook she gets to see what they are doing everyday? It's crazy!
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