Mar 4, 2009

Shred Day 3: By the Numbers

Day: 3
Level: 2
Number of times I was already resting when Jillian yelled "no resting": 3
Number of illegal sips of water I sneaked: 3
Number of times I thought I was going to die: 15

Is it April yet?


Fairly Odd Mother said...

I did Level 2 yesterday and felt like I was going to die. Need to stick to Level 1 a few more days. . .

Jodi said...

When I first started, I did level 1 for at least a week. And, after the first day, I could barely move!

Anonymous said...

I must buy this DVD!

Jodi said...

Heather - if you have cable, it's on demand for both Comcast and Verizon.

Otherwise, it's still worth the money!

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